Quantum Physics and God’s Transforming Love

Have you every walked into a room and felt an overwhelming sense of joy and peace? It is hard to explain, but the people present permeated the room with a fragrance of love that made you feel accepted and energized. Or have you felt the opposite, where the vibes in your gut revealed something is not right in this room and your insecurities flair up and feelings of fear or anxiety taint the atmosphere. The emotions of love or fear can be explained by what scientists call quantum physics.
Over the last few months I have been exposed to teachings on quantum physics through books, lectures, and even on Netflix. As I try to wrap my mind around it, the best I can do is define quantum physics as “energy.” Science is discovering that as matter continues to get smaller at the core of the smallest subatomic particles is energy that moves like waves. This energy is effected by how we think and even the words we speak.
Our incredible Creator God, spoke the world into being out of nothing (Genesis 1:2ff. & Hebrews 11:3). His thoughts and His powerful voice created all and brought each atom into being, He is the root of quantum physics, which was only discovered in the 1920’s. Since we are made in this amazing God’s image, our thoughts and minds are designed with HIS creative energy. We are wired to be in a love relationship with Him. Our thoughts and minds react when we are captivated by His love, and because of that gift we live as creative agents of HIS LOVE transforming the world around us.
But the “father of lies” (John 8:44), Satan continues to tell us we can live apart from the Father’s love just as he did with our first parents Adam and Eve. The result of those lies is a life controlled by fear and unbelief. Fear and unbelief are toxic to our minds, bodies, and effect the relationships with others around us. Our fear creates negative energy that controls our thoughts, floods our brain with toxic strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:5) and brings destruction to our lives and the world around us. Think about how you feel when you see the news on TV or social media. Most if not all, the information presented shows the power of fear and anxiety.
The Good News of the Gospel is the amazing gift of the Father, given to us through His Son, to take us back to our first love. Transformative thinking, to have the mind of Christ Jesus (Phil. 2:5-8) allows us to be filled with Heaven’s love and this perfect love will cast out all fear.
“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,” 1 John 4:18
Truth is you are either controlled by “love” or “fear.” A mind controlled by fear will not only destroy, but adversely effect the atmosphere around you. But if you daily choose Jesus and receive His perfect love through the cross, the complete forgiveness He offers, and His resurrection life living in you, He will transform your thinking (Rom. 12:1-2). You will bring the life transforming energy of His love to a world living in fear. You will change the atmosphere of every room you walk into because you daily choose Jesus and His life creating love.
“I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him. for the Lord is your life..” Deuteronomy 30:19-20
If you desire to dig deeper into Quantum Physics and the power of your thinking I recommend two books by Dr. Caroline Leaf, “Switch on Your Brain” & “The Perfect You.”
Wow, so true, Tim! I have seen God work this way as well as felt the enemy in a room. Jesus came to give us ABUNDANT life in Him and aa Christ followers His love ought to pour from us like living waters in a dry and thirsty world. Let it be so!
Neil Anderson’s book “Victory over Darkness” and now Caroline Leaf’s books have been life changing! Both of these works combine scripture with the power of the mind to give us freedom and TRUTH over “lies” others, the enemy, or even ourselves may bombarded us with! Philippians 4:8 “In conclusion, my friends, fill your MINDS with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable,” (Good News Translation).