Finding the Church!

Adrianna Weeda will turn 101 years young on December 26, 2019. I truly mean, “young” as when you are in her presence you will feel a youthful joy from her quick wit and spirit of contagious gracious love. Patty and I were honored to see her at the 50th anniversary of CrossPoint Church in Chino, CA. Adrianna is not able to make it to most Sunday services but made sure to be there for this joyful celebration.
But what is amazing is even though Adrianna is not able to make it to Sunday worship every week people find there way up to her house and experience “Church.” Young and old alike have sat in her family room and felt the warmth of being part of her family. With her precious Dutch brogue she will inquire about your life and family, she will offer amazing treats, and you will laugh with joy. Almost every Sunday night a group will drop by to chat and even sing the old hymns. Our family will never forget a wonderful time of prayer with her as well with tears rolling down all our eyes.
Seeing Mrs. Weeda last week as well as many other wonderful friends from the family of God reminded us of the gift of finding the church. And when I use the word “church” I don’t mean a building, even though God uses buildings for His glory, I mean people. The “church” are people who have surrendered their lives to Christ and have been brought into the Father’s family by the Holy Spirit. When we saw Mrs. Weeda and others our hearts were filled with great joy. We are family bound together through the Spirit of Jesus living in us and loved perfectly by our Father in Heaven.
The apostle Paul says:
“You are members of God’s family. We are His house, built on the foundations of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus Himself. We ho believe are carefully joined together becoming a holy temple for the Lord. Through Him you Gentiles are also joined together as part of this dwelling where God lives by His Spirit,” (Eph. 3:19-22).
You are the church, I am the church and through the Holy Spirit living in us we are building a spiritual house, a family that overflows with the fruit of His Spirit and permeates the culture with “love, joy, peace…” I have found His powerful church in Mrs. Weeda’s family room, with prostitute and drug dealers on some of the toughest streets in Denver, ridding my bike with a close friend, crying in Starbucks with a hurting brother in Christ, holding babies in Africa, and praising our glorious King Jesus with hundreds in a worship service.
At almost 101 years old the church is alive and well in our dear sister Adrianna, what an inspiration she is for us to be the church and to find the church in others around us. This week keep your eyes open for the church you never know where she will show up and bless you with love from heaven.