The Character of Abba Father’s Heart – Choosing Joy

Have you ever had one of those weeks where it is a challenge to find joy? Ironically, blogging on this theme of joy for the last few weeks has put my joy to the test. Lately several of our good friends have been walking through a dark valley, experiencing marriage difficulties or a spiritual oppression that is hard to explain.

Last week one of the tipping points challenging my joy was a routine visit to the dentist. Typically, I walk in and out of the office with a great check up. Not this time, you know something’s up when the dentist brings the business manger in while you are still in the dental chair to explain payment plans. As I brought home the news about the discouraging dental report, the rest of the family also began sharing some of the storms they had been facing and to state the obvious we were all struggling with joy.

A good night of sleep did not bring relief and I awoke with a pit in my joyless soul. It seemed as if the pain of others and uncertainty of the future were all hitting me at once. As the sun broke through in the early hours of the morning I picked up my Bible and turned to Romans 4:1- 5:1-5. For the last month I have been reading this passage every morning in order to gleam what true faith and trust looks like from the Apostle Paul as he sees the life of father Abraham. This particular morning it was if the Holy Spirit took a highlighter to these words:

“Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us,” (5:3-5).

As I paused and digested the promises in this passage I found Patty and we spent some time praying about the Father’s promises. We proclaimed our trust in Him over darkness and spiritual battles in the heavenly realms that seemed to be a dark cloud over our family and others. That night during dinner the conversation led to how we all sensed a break through that day it was as if a heavy burden was lifted. About an hour later while I was working downstairs I heard my girls yelling with joy for me to come outside. As I ran upstairs and made it to the back yard I experienced an incredible rainbow. Oh the “joy unspeakable and full of glory” seeing a first hand picture of the faithfulness of God our Father!

Yes, I was reminded that joy has very little to do with circumstances, rather it is trusting the Father enough to rejoice when the dark clouds cover the soul and joy is hard to find. My dear friends keep choosing joy by trusting your Father no matter what your day may bring, He is faithful to His children!

rainbow image


The Character of Abba Father’s Heart – Abba’s Joy

How does your Abba Father feel about you? Last week Patty and I had the privilege of meeting a young lady named Emily. Emily is the daughter of a good friend of mine who tragically died in a motorcycle accident when Emily was four. Emily has very few memories of her father Ron and so she wanted to find out all that she could.

What a blessing it was to share stories about her father and the great friend he was in middle school and high school. In fact Ron was actually the one who asked Patty on our first date skiing, since I was too shy to ask her myself. It was a wonderful time-sharing story after story as she continued to probe about the heart of her father.

At the end of our time together I shared with Emily that her father would have been so proud at the godly woman she had become and how much she reflects him. We all had tears as we ended our time together, and quite honestly I have had a difficult time getting that meeting out of my mind.

As I thought about Emily’s desire to know what her earthly father was like it prompted me to think about the desire so many of us have to know the heart of our Heavenly Father. Deep within every created soul is a longing to know the Father in heaven. I believe ultimately everyone is searching to find Him and know Him because he created us to be with Him. As Augustine said, “our hearts have no rest until we find our rest in thee.”

Zephaniah the Prophet shared a vision with Israel about a day when those who trusted in God as their Father would “sing” and “shout aloud,” because: “The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you he will quiet you with his love he will rejoices over you with singing” (Zeph. 3:17).

Zephaniah longed for the day when the Father would send His only Son Jesus to tell and show the world what He looks like. That heavenly Father is one who rescues orphan children like you and me, brings us back home into His arms of love, and “rejoices over you with singing.” I love the Hebrew word for “rejoice”, it means to spin around violently with great joy. You make your Father dance! I know Emily’s dad Ron would want to tell her how proud he is of her and how she brings him great joy. AND, I can share with Emily and with each of you who trust in your Abba Father, that He is crazy about you. So much so that He dances and sings over you with great joy. You are “Abba’s Joy!” and He is never going to let you go.

Our Father has left us His great Word to show us and tell us just how He feels about His children. Take some time this week and listen to some stories about your Father from His love letter to you. Spend time letting Zephaniah 3:17 capture your soul and remind you that YOU are “Abba’s Joy!”

The Character of Abba Father’s Heart – Joy in His Presence

You have likely heard that where we spend our time is reflected in who we become and is evident in our countenance. This statement was evident as I was recently speaking to a group of 70 men. Each of these individuals faced the fact that choices, in this case the use of drugs and alcohol, had brought about negative consequences. As I scanned the crowd I took a mental picture of each man’s body language and level of engagement.

During the time of teaching I noticed one man in particular, he was very engaged in what I was sharing about the Father’s love and seemed to have a peace about him. Later in the evening I met Brad and he shared his story of how his addiction to crystal meth left him hopeless on the streets of Phoenix. That is until one day in brokenness he fell to his knees on the sidewalk and cried out for Jesus to save him. This prayer gave him hope and was the start on the journey of true healing. He went on to say that the only way his meth addiction could be broken is by daily living in the presence of God, spending time with The Father, and experiencing the overflowing joy that comes from time with Him.

Unknowingly Brad articulated David’s words in Psalm 16:11:

“You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Brad encountered Jesus, “the path of life,” who brought him into the “joy” of the Father’s “presence.” The Father’s heart is overflowing with joy, the fountain of every blessing we need to fill our craving soul. Like Brad, each of us seeks to fill the empty spot in our heart, yet so often we have bought into the lie of the enemy by seeking joy in substitutes that leave us parched and deeply wounded.

Our culture is desperately searching for “joy,” and yet continues to fall short of locating that authentic joy. No matter how many drinks are consumed, drugs used, stuff purchased, sex encountered, no matter how hard we try for the acceptance of others, somehow joy eludes us. But as I think of Brad’s face beaming with an eternal glow there is hope for us joy seekers. Our Father has a limitless supply of joy that flows out of His heart and He longs for you and me to follow His Son Jesus home to a place filled with “joy unspeakable and full of glory,” (I Peter 1:8).

Make His presence your priority and prepare to be overtaken by Heaven’s joy!


The Character of Abba Father’s Heart – Joy

How do you define joy? I am a visual person so what helps me define JOY is by what I see. A few Sunday’s ago I was preaching in a church in Lesotho Africa and it was winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Yet, in this cinder block building with hard chairs, a chilling draft, and without heat people came in their Sunday best with smiles ready to encounter God in worship.

By the end of the service those of us who were shivering at the beginning of the service were plenty warm and removing our jackets as we were caught up in the worship service where heavens fire invaded our hearts. Now, for those of us from the western world this is hard to comprehend. Nothing in this particular external environment would typically bring us joy or pleasure. There was no heat; hard chairs, poor lighting, and the volume of the music broke all decimal rules.

And what about all the internal suffering these people brought into the worship service that morning. Extreme poverty, one of the highest death rates in the world because of HIV/Aids, and daily living under the injustice of a corrupt political system. Not to mention a host of other social issues like rape, a huge orphan population and lack of educational opportunities. Yet, somehow in spite of both external and internal battles these people face there was an overwhelming spirit of joy that flowed out of the hearts of these beautiful worshipers.

When I think about the joy I personally experienced that Sunday, surrounded by Besotho followers of Christ engaging in worship I know the source of their joy has to be rooted in God. How could one find joy based on the lack of external comfort in the building or the hardships and suffering in their lives? Yet, JOY invaded their hearts. JOY from a Father in heaven who is complete joy. This JOY is released through the Holy Spirit upon all His children who make Him their hope in the midst of what many of us would label a hopeless situation.

This joyful worship experience in Africa makes Nehemiah 8:10 come to life, “the joy of the LORD is my strength.” You can translate that, “the joy of the LORD is my everything.” Knowing the Father = Joy and His Joy becomes everything you need.

As I remember dancing before the Father with my brothers and sisters in Africa, I praise Him for how they have taught me that He is the source of TRUE JOY!



The Character of Abba Father’s Heart – Empowered to Serve

A special thank you to Danell for writing such inspiring blogs while I was in Africa.

Each time I walk on African soil I am in awe of how God empowers his children to serve in ways that bring Heaven to earth. Lesotho Africa is one of the poorest countries on earth and has the second highest HIV rate in the world. Yet the Father’s love continues to overcome the darkness and bring light through ordinary people full of God’s Spirit. Let me share a couple of stories that highlight this.

Our team stayed at Beautiful Gate Care Center, a refuge for abandoned babies. While we were there a 1-month-old baby girl arrived, she was found at a nearby dam. This tiny malnourished child was quickly enveloped in love by staff and volunteers a like. She went from orphan into a family of care workers that treated her as a child of the King, with the hope that she will one day be adopted.

One of our days was spent at the Good Shepherd Center. This is a place that cares for unwed mothers and their babies. Many of these teen mom’s have been raped and are ostracized from their community and literally have no place to go. I watched as 13 teen-age girls from Holland Christian High School, led by their teacher Mike Verkaik, showed Christ’s love in amazing ways. It was a day of singing, sharing testimonies, holding babies, laughing, dancing, and crying together. One of the nuns who work at Good Shepherd said, “There is something special about these Holland Christian girls.”

This was a particularly memorable trip for me as this was the first time my wife Patty was able to travel to this country that I love so much. I was so blessed as I watched her minister to a pastor’s wife of a local church where I preached. Patty was able to listen, love, and give words of encouragement to a beautiful woman who has suffered much because of the battle wounds of being a pastor’s wife. We were asked to pray over the pastoral staff and their wives, it was a powerful time as the nearness of God’s healing presence was evident.

One chilly night – yes it gets cold in Africa, and our lodging had no heat! – any way, during our evening “family time” I was recapping the events of the day and all that we were experiencing in Lesotho. It struck me how the Father takes our “YES” to be His servant and how He uses it to unleash His glory through us, as He did through Mary mother of Jesus (Luke 1:38). This “YES” to serve others will bring in His Kingdom in powerful ways, this is the church of Jesus Christ at it’s best. Truly, this team, at this moment, was at Beautiful Gate because Ray and Sue Haakenson, co-founders of Beautiful Gate, said YES to care for 7 abandoned babies in 2002. They had no idea that their “YES” would impact 13 high school girls in 2015. And I guarantee that their “YES” will impact countless others for the Father’s glory!

Your Father is waiting to empower you to serve in His Kingdom……. all He needs is your YES!!!