
The Character of Abba Father’s Heart – Joy in His Presence

You have likely heard that where we spend our time is reflected in who we become and is evident in our countenance. This statement was evident as I was recently speaking to a group of 70 men. Each of these individuals faced the fact that choices, in this case the use of drugs and alcohol, had brought about negative consequences. As I scanned the crowd I took a mental picture of each man’s body language and level of engagement.

During the time of teaching I noticed one man in particular, he was very engaged in what I was sharing about the Father’s love and seemed to have a peace about him. Later in the evening I met Brad and he shared his story of how his addiction to crystal meth left him hopeless on the streets of Phoenix. That is until one day in brokenness he fell to his knees on the sidewalk and cried out for Jesus to save him. This prayer gave him hope and was the start on the journey of true healing. He went on to say that the only way his meth addiction could be broken is by daily living in the presence of God, spending time with The Father, and experiencing the overflowing joy that comes from time with Him.

Unknowingly Brad articulated David’s words in Psalm 16:11:

“You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Brad encountered Jesus, “the path of life,” who brought him into the “joy” of the Father’s “presence.” The Father’s heart is overflowing with joy, the fountain of every blessing we need to fill our craving soul. Like Brad, each of us seeks to fill the empty spot in our heart, yet so often we have bought into the lie of the enemy by seeking joy in substitutes that leave us parched and deeply wounded.

Our culture is desperately searching for “joy,” and yet continues to fall short of locating that authentic joy. No matter how many drinks are consumed, drugs used, stuff purchased, sex encountered, no matter how hard we try for the acceptance of others, somehow joy eludes us. But as I think of Brad’s face beaming with an eternal glow there is hope for us joy seekers. Our Father has a limitless supply of joy that flows out of His heart and He longs for you and me to follow His Son Jesus home to a place filled with “joy unspeakable and full of glory,” (I Peter 1:8).

Make His presence your priority and prepare to be overtaken by Heaven’s joy!


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