Attracting the Dove – Don’t Brake for the Snake
Have you ever seen a sign on a bike trail that said, Brake for Snakes?” Yes this is real thing that my son TJ and I stumbled upon the other day riding on a trail near our house.
Have I ever mentioned that I am I’m no fan of snakes? So this sign definitely made me cringe, as the probability of encountering one of these slimy creatures was highly likely. Sure enough-a few minutes later- a huge, ugly, scary snake slithered on the pavement just ahead of me. I am happy to report that I did not scream. I did abruptly brake, but not because of the sign but rather out of sheer fear of being swallowed by the serpent. So as I breathed a sigh of relief I heard a crash. Ah….my son was riding the slipstream on my rear wheel and the sound of all metal on metal reverberated as his bike hit a fence barrier next to the path.
As he picked himself up off the pavement, fresh with bloody road rash, from the ground he said to me, “Dad next time-just RUN OVER the snake!”
I think of that statement often as I ride along peaceful paths and wonder if at any moment there will be a snake sunning on the trail. I know I have nothing to fear because my bike is bigger then the gardener crossing the path. But still…..
So what do snakes have to do with Doves? Glad you asked. J In the spiritual realm fear will always quench the Holy Spirit. Fear will cause the Dove to depart. One of the greatest tactics of satan is to capture our minds with lies that will lead to be fixated on fear. If he can get us to focus on the unpredictable snake in front of us often the result is that we are paralyzed in our tracks. The “snake” is different for each of us, it may be insecurity, past failures, besetting sins, health issues, money problems, job loss, family situations, an unstable future, etc.
The age-old serpent delights in robbing us of our peace and continues to exaggerate the problems plaguing our mind.
But hear the Spirit say to you “don’t brake for the snake!” You are riding on the shoulders of the King of the Universe who has crushed the head of the serpent at the cross (Gen. 3:15). Remember you rest on the Righteous One who encourages you with truth:
“I saw satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy, nothing will harm you,” (Luke 10:18-19).
Four years ago my family stepped out in faith, and throughout that time the Father has tirelessly pressing home to my heart and head not to brake for the lies of the snake. Go ahead and ride over his deceitful obstructions. The Father reminds me to focus my faith on the promises of His word. The one whose shoulders we ride upon.
Remember these words from one of the greatest chapters on the Holy Spirit:
“For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by which you cry out Abba Father!” (Romans 8:15)
Keep focused on your Abba Father’s love for you and the Dove will stay near!