Day 20 of 40 – Praying into the Prophecy

Be encouraged to meditate on Romans 8:15 today. Why does the Father want you to know Him and call to Him in prayer as your “Abba (daddy) Father?”

Day 19 of 40 – Finding a Prayer Partner

What are the benefits of finding a prayer partner or prayer group to regularly pray with? Don’t climb prayer mountain alone!

Day 18 of 40 – Finding God in a Cave

How has God spoken to you in a time of difficulty that got your attention? What did His voice sound like to you?

Day 17 of 40 – When You Can’t Pray

Be reminded that, like Elijah, everyone faces their dark night of the soul. Perhaps you have already faced a season like this or you are one right now. Remember, even in your discouragement, God will not give up on you.

Day 16 of 40 – Praying the Promises

As you think Elijah’s multiple prayers for rain, what are your thoughts on the importance of praying even when you don’t see immediate results?