Day 25 of 40 – Come Holy Spirit Feed Me

Jesus reminds us to call out to God daily. Why do we need the daily gift of the Holy Spirit to live into all of the Lord’s Prayer?

Day 24 of 40 – Heaven Come Down

As you think about the reality of God as your Father, is it natural for you to call God “Father” or “Daddy?” Why or why note? Take some time today to think about your answer to that question.

Day 23 of 40 – A Childlike Attitude

We are reminded that complete dependence on God is very contrary to the way our culture functions. Are there specific ways you can learn to become like a “little child” again in your prayer life?

Day 22 of 40 – Fast and Pray for a Break-Through

Why do you think fasting and prayer prepare the way for a spiritual breakthrough? Be encouraged to start the discipline of fasting and prayer- it is never easy, but it is vital to your climb up prayer mountain.

Day 21 of 40 – Hearing Your Father’s Voice

If Jesus had to spend time hearing the voice of His Father, how much more important is it for you and me?