The Thanksgiving Invitation
There is power in a heartfelt thank you! Recently Oceans hosted a group of Wycliffe Bible translators from Madagascar. They were some of the most gracious people I have ever met. Their English was limited, but one phrase they knew very well was “thank you!” Greeting them each morning in the dining room I would […]
Anointed to Love
The sun had set in Fish Hoek and Patty and I were just finishing dinner when there was a knock on our flat door. It was Sunny, a 14-year-old young lady, who resides on the Retreat Centre campus with her mom Thobeka-who is part of the Oceans Team. Sunny asked if we had time to […]
Will you Dance with Us?
I have to confess I like to dance. It may not be pretty, and it sure isn’t graceful but there is something liberating about it. After a few hours of socializing at my son and daughter in-laws wedding I finally made it to the dance floor with the whole family and it was pure joy. […]
Fathered by God
I got back to our flat at Oceans Retreat Centre in a daze after a sleepless flight from the US. It was strange coming back without Patty as we agreed to have her stay a few weeks longer to get some family and grandma time in. But as I turned on the lights I was […]
The Perfect Wedding Gift
Usually when you go to a wedding you bring a gift. You go to the couples’ registry search out their wish list and find a gift, which you hope will bless them as they begin their marriage journey together. However last week I received a gift from being at a wedding, it was a reminder […]
A Reflection of Oceans’ Vision
Blog Written by Patty Spykstra As Tim and I were preparing the upcoming board retreat we spent some time extra time praising the Lord for His blessings, thanking Him for His faithfulness in the unknown and unexpected, and asking for His discernment and wisdom. The sign posted on Oceans Retreat Centre has a logo […]