Finding Your Mind in a World that’s losing it!
I was getting ready to upload my blog on Monday morning knowing I had a busy day ahead. “Where is it, I cannot believe it of all days…!” After several minutes of frantically searching for a blog I wrote ahead of time-I had to admit defeat-it had vanished in cyber space. Indeed, I had […]
A Most Needed Prayer for Today!
“What will heaven be like the moment you arrive?” I asked that question this past Sunday at a church I was speaking at. Here are a few of the answers: “Pure joy.” “I won’t want to go back.” “No home work.” “No demons.” “A big hug by Jesus that won’t let go.” “Joyful worship and […]
It’s All You!
On New Year’s morning Patty and I were celebrating by drinking our last “Ebb & Flow” coffee roasted by our kids in the US, (sorry a little advertising ). As we savored the last drops we were discussing Deuteronomy 6-8, a section Patty had just read. What a fitting text for the New Year. Moses […]
Kingdom Joy!
How do you know Christ the King has come into our world? Christmas Day we were asked to give the message at the church that gathers at the Ocean View Care Center. Although Patty and I missed family and friends back in the States, we couldn’t help both felt it was one of the most […]
Heaven’s Supernatural Hug
“We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance and we need 12 hugs a day for growth,” according to therapist and author, Virginia Satir. Research states hugs release oxytocin, which has amazing benefits. Consider the following: Strengthens the immune system. Boosts your mood by releasing dopamine, serotonin […]
The Church That Jesus Builds
After the joyous graduation celebration it was only fitting to ask founder Johann Kikillus to share a few words. We thank the Oceans’ Family for their financial gifts in 2021. Johann and the Oceanview Care centre are examples of how Oceans Ministries is able to support and bless the surrounding communities in which we live. […]