A Lesson from a Big Baboon

Have you every been fearful to the point where your legs turn rubbery? Where the fight or flight reflex and the adrenaline rush is more intense than 8 shots of espresso? It all started out wonderfully as we were excited to spend a few days away from the retreat center.  It was peaceful and cozy […]

The Gardner

  Spring is my favorite time of the year. Yet, here in the Southern Hemisphere a crisp change can be felt in the air alerting us that fall is here and soon the chill of winter. But for my friends in the North flowers are breaking forth and sweet smells of new life give hope […]

What’s the Solution?

Where have you seen the Kingdom today? Every night we have family time with our high school group from Zeeland, Michigan and we ask that question. These four have been thrown into all sorts of experiences out here in South Africa from service in a local township, to a 7 hour Easter worship event, to […]

Finding Your Way – Listening for Love

Algorithms are quickly becoming the controlling voice of our world. You search for a news feed, a video, song, “like” something on Instagram or Facebook and a math formula takes over and similar feeds pop up on your digital device calling out for you to look, listen, and like again and again. Before you know […]

Finding Your Way – Losing Self

  Perhaps you recall that Peter was radically saved on the shores of the sea of Galilee. He was called by Jesus to leave the fishing business to catch people. He courageously followed Jesus and for three years learned a lot as the main leader of the rag tag crew of disciples. But do you […]

Finding your Way – Leaning In

“S -” !  More often than I care to admit I received the “S -” symbol on my report card for my listening skills, which indicated I was below satisfactory.  One teacher told my mom “he seems to day dream a lot.”  Her diagnosis was correct. I would find thoughts leaving the classroom and dreaming […]