Why You Need These Two Trees!
Hello everyone from South Africa. I wanted to share a video post with you about a powerful prophetic picture from Zechariah 4. Our world is hemorrhaging from all sides and yet this text gives us God’s plan for bringing His healing ointment to our hearts and a hurting world. Click here to see the original […]
“Not for man to direct his Steps!”
Written by Patty Spykstra Tuesday, May 26 marks our 60th day of lockdown here in Cape Town, South Africa. To date we have 22,583 confirmed cases and 429 who have lost their lives to COVID-19. We have moved from Level 5 to 4 and perhaps Level 3 in June. Jeremiah 10:23 says, “I know, O […]
It’s Tuesday but Thursday is Coming!!!!
It was dark when we started our hike up the mountain. Why so early you ask? Because we are only allowed exercise out of our homes from 6 – 9 AM so you need to squeeze in every minute you can. Looking at the positive side we have experienced some amazing sunrises. On the morning […]
Fragrances of The Father’s Unconditional Love
What does the heart of the Father look like? As I thought about Mother’s Day this past weekend I thought about the gift of mothers both spiritual and physical ones to our world. Two words which I would use to describe many mothers whom I know: unconditional love! For 54 years I have experienced the […]
A Kingdom Touch!
This blog is written by Mike Verkaik, who God has used to transform and disciple many lives through mission trips to Africa. As May begins, my attention generally turns to the final preparations for the Holland Christian High School trip to Beautiful Gate in Lesotho. However, this year is different. After much prayer for God […]