A Great Time To Become a “House of Prayer!”
Hi all! Just want to share a quick video hello from South Africa and a prayer challenge!
Making the Father Known – Self-Sacrifice
“What do you think of Americans?” I asked this question to a group of South African’s we were having dinner with. One of them responded, “serving!” She went on to explain how many US teams want to help our country and “work really hard!” Honestly, I was a little worried when I asked the question […]
Making the Father Known – How?
Everyday hundreds of people walk by Oceans Retreat Center and see our new sign. During that first week it was put up I could hear conversations of people asking, “what is Oceans?” And “what does making the Father Known mean?” It opens a great door for us to share our mission, but it also prompts […]
Taste & See
Written by Patty Spykstra It has been a whirlwind these last months getting “settled” into our new home. We feel so blessed in our one bedroom flat here in Cape Town. Our friends & family from CA and the team from Michigan were an amazing help with projects around the retreat center, huge encouragement, and […]
Sovereign of the Sea
Blog written by Pastor Bill Bierling Sitting here by the Atlantic Ocean near Cape Town, South Africa, Harriet & I have been privileged to be part of the dedication of Oceans Retreat Center. The passage of Scripture shared was the story of Jesus stilling the sea in Mark 4: 35-41. Notice that Jesus called the […]
Waves of His Glory
In Africa when you visit a church and you are a pastor many times you will be asked to preach. That happened this past Sunday as we worshiped in the township of Massi a few miles down the road from Oceans Retreat Center. Without much time to prepare I instinctively chose the theme text from […]