Just Follow Me!

  It is always good to go back and visit places in your life where God performed miracles beyond your ability to grasp. It quickens your faith for new adventures the Father may be asking you to follow. This past weekend Patty and I were blessed to visit Mike & Dawn and a team from […]


Written by Mike Verkaik A week ago today we celebrated our 6th anniversary Christmas dinner at the motel ministry. It is always special to travel down memory lane and be reminded how Abba Father opened the door to share the message of His heart to the residents on a cold, wintery day. As we shared […]

A Timely Christmas Psalm of Hope

Around 70 years ago a group of people were uprooted from their life long homes because of their skin color. The then new South African government moved this group into cold and sterile housing projects. The pain of that harsh decision left deep wounds and scars, which are still very much prevalent. Yet generations later, […]

“This Little Light of Mine …”

“Higher and Higher”

“When I came up out of the water it was like a huge rock was lifted off my back, I felt joy and freedom that I can’t explain, the Father loves me!” Sunday we were blessed to witness several baptisms of people who have come to Christ through Love in Action ministries. The quote above […]

The Blessings of Seasons of Humility

The changing of an outside light bulb on one of our buildings should have taken a few minutes. However after living several years in Africa, I have learned it is likely to take much longer then you think. True to form I was still working on this an hour later as rusted bolts caused a […]