“I Always Thought I was a Mary!”

“How has God spoken to you in this season of life?” This was the question I asked a few men gathered at a pristine setting next to a turquoise river surrounded by mountains in Colorado. Since I was leading the discussion I intended to go last-but no such luck as these friends wouldn’t budge until I shared first.

Uncomfortably I said, “I always thought I was a Mary!” Seeing their interesting expressions I went on to explain how a few weeks earlier Patty invited me to watch an episode of the mini series “The Chosen.” It was the dramatic portrayal of the well known story of Martha and Mary from Luke 10:38-42.

The scene focussed on Martha bustling around the kitchen putting an amazing spread together while she can hear the laughter of the disciples and Jesus in the other room. When she finally makes her way into the room with the first tray of food everyone is fixated on Jesus’ teaching. Nobody sees her and all the work she has done. Mary addresses her disappointment with this to Jesus-explaining how unfair it is that she does all the work and Mary doesn’t even notice and that her sister should get up and help her.

It was a moving depiction of Jesus’ kind words correcting Martha in love redirecting her back to what matter’s most. Here is how one translation puts it:

“Martha, My beloved Martha. Why are you upset and troubled, pulled away by all these distractions? Mary has discovered the one thing most important by choosing to sit at My feet…”

This scene echoed the most recent season of my life and drilled deep into my heart. The next morning I wrote in my journal how I prided myself in being a Mary. Loving to be in the Word and Prayer, just being with Jesus. But somehow over the last few years I slipped into the kitchen with Martha and got “pulled away by all these distractions…”

I will forgo the list I shared of all my distractions and anxious thoughts because it took a few hours to get it all out that afternoon sitting alongside the river. But I can tell you how thankful I am that Father gently speaks and calls you and me  back to that “One thing most important…”  I needed His Word, a few medical doctors,  family and friends to remind me of this most important truth.

We are living in times of extreme distraction and our enemy is the master at keeping our focus off the “One Thing Needed!”  Even good things can turn our us away from the best Thing.  Jesus reminded Martha of this with a compassionate correction He does the same to His sons and daughters today.

I have found that when I take my eyes off the lover of my soul by busying myself with what I feel is important for ministry or life I can slip into a worrying and anxious spirit. When I begin to feel such weights upon my mind and soul I need to take a step back and see this sign post. I need to adjust my focus back to the “One Thing most important by choosing to sit at Jesus’ feet.”  Maybe you can identify with this as well.

I pray today if you feel anxious, fearful, or worried about many things-that perhaps you can find a river, a coffee shop or a friend or even journal your thoughts and then allow the Spirit of Jesus to intervene with His compassionate correction love to return to the “One Thing That is Most Important!”




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