“SHANNAH TOVAH” – Blessed Good Year

Written by board member Danell Czarnecki.

Recently Oceans Ministries board, staff and Bryan and Marc from VTC House, partners of Oceans Ministries, gathered together for a time of prayer seeking to where God would lead us in the next season of ministry. Those gathered were from California, Colorado, Michigan and South Africa. It was good to be together praying and listening to our Abba.

And by God’s design, that Saturday morning was the day of Yom Kippur, the holiest of holy days on the Jewish Calendar; the Day of Atonement where the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle and make sacrifices and sprinkle blood on the altar for the Israelites so they could be free of their past transgressions and enter into a new year of blessings; believing God would grant them favor for a good year.

In preparing for our gathering on Saturday morning I couldn’t help but think of Jews all over the world fasting, praying, and reading the Psalms on this holiest of holy days and couldn’t ignore the current situation in Israel and other significant events that took place on/during Yom Kippur:

The birth of Rebekah (wife of Isaac and mother of Esau and Jacob) Moses returning with 2nd Tablets after the golden calf incident Ezekiel’s Vision of the Third Temple (410 BCE)
Start of the Yom Kippur War (1973)

Birth of Oceans Ministries (2014)

The Jewish people believe that on Yom Kippur one is able to experience a closeness with God greater than any other time; they trust that God will “show up” as they fast and pray. And indeed, He did during our time together in so many ways; I had not mentioned to anyone the devotion was going to be on Yom Kippur; I had not mentioned any of the components or texts typically part of Yom Kippur; I had not even planned to use any of them except Psalm 67 to open our prayer time together.

On the morning of Yom Kippur, the first prayer of the day is called the Shacharit, or rise and climb; and is recited sometime between sunrise and early midday. The prayer lasts, on average, half an hour and is likened to a ladder.

Rung one typically begins with the reading of Psalm 67; our time of prayer began reading Psalm 67. After our prayer time one of our brothers at the table shared he had been led to that very Psalm earlier that morning. God is a good Father!!

Rung Two is a series of Psalms (typically Psalm 145–150) stirring
an emotional attachment to God through awareness of His awesome deeds. And wouldn’t you know, God led another of our brothers to read Psalm 145 while we prayed together. God is such a good Father!!

Rung Three the Shema is recited, and as we prayed Pastor Tim spoke the Shema in Hebrew, unintentionally we had climbed yet another rung closer to our Heavenly Daddy. God is such a good, good Father!!

Rung Four is known as the Amidah where one stands before God and addresses Him directly, (typically facing Jerusalem). This closeness denotes complete oneness with God, a oneness that transcends emotion or intellect. A oneness experienced to the very core of who we are as His sons and daughters; a bond that surpasses flesh and opens us to receive the love of the Father; the very heart and mission of Oceans Ministries.

A little over 10 years ago; God gave Pastor Tim a vision; and one of the Scriptures he was given was Hab, 2:14;

“Just as the waters covers the sea, people everywhere will know the Lord’s glory.”

I find it not coincidental that during this season of turmoil; confusion and division (in Israel and the world) that the prophet and book of Habakkuk is received by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. And providentially the main message of Habakkuk is to trust the Lord no matter what.

Trust is such a small word, but so hard to live into; especially when there is so much uncertainty and change happening around us. As Oceans Ministries was launched in October of 2014 my word for the year 2015 was TRUST and the Scripture was Is. 42:9;

“The things I said would happen have happened; and now I tell you about new things. Before those things happen, I will tell you about them.”

Hard to believe Oceans is 10 years old, and as we look back we are grateful for all He has done and for where He has brought us; but now we are looking ahead to 2025. What things has our Abba planned for us in this new, good year?

As VTC House, a Christian school, begins on the campus; we are excited about our new partnership and the many young lives that will be impacted by the Gospel on the holy ground of the Retreat Center. One young life on campus has already been forever changed as he met his Savior and has “new life” because of the obedience and willingness of the VTC House staff to say yes and step forward in trust into a new season, a good year.

Is 43:18-19: “The Lord says, Forget what has happened before; and do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it?”

Oceans Ministries is trusting this next season will be a good year; for His glory and honor! What “new things” are you trusting in the Lord for in this next “good year?”

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