The Blessing Challenge!
The song birthed out of of the Covid-19 pandemic “The Blessing” by Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes has been a grace to many around the world. Straight out of the Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6:22-27 and directly from the heart of the Father these words shine forth God’s deep love over His children.
Sunday as we were singing this song the worship leader stopped the singing and shared what the Lord had put on his heart. He reminded us that it is easy to sing this wonderful song of blessing over our lives and the lives of our families, but he continued, “Can you sing this song over your enemies or over people that have deeply hurt you in your life?”
It was a powerful moment as he challenged people to sing the song again this time beseeching God to bless enemies, family members who have hurt you, a boss you are bitter at, a political party you don’t agree with, a friend who has betrayed you…” As we were singing the words:
May His favor be upon you and a thousand generations and your family and your children and their children and their children…
As we joined together in one accord tears were wiped away and arms reached out to bless. A mighty wind of freedom entered the building. A powerful peace remained long after the service was over.
One of the many things Africa has taught me is the miracle of forgiveness. Recently we talked to a man in his 70’s who lived through the horror of Apartheid. He and his family were forced to give up their home that they lived in for years and be relocated to a township all because of the color of their skin. Yet, this man openly shared that he had no bitterness nor did he play the victim card toward the government who did this to him. Patty asked him how he could have so much peace after all the terrible things that happened to him and his family? He said, “Forgiveness has set me free!”
One of the greatest signs of true and total forgiveness is when you can bless your enemies and ask God to bless them as much as He would bless you. This is exactly what Jesus taught and lived out in such a way that a new Kingdom Revolution began, a revolution that will one day will overcome the world. Listen to His powerful command in Matthew 5:43ff:
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.”
Sunday as we were singing favor and blessing over our enemies I sensed the Lord saying this is how my Kingdom will grow the most in this hour! I challenge you to play “The Blessing” and sing it over your enemies and those who have hurt you. You may have to sing it several times before the peace comes, but it will come and you will experience the freedom and victory of the Kingdom of Heaven and you will be apart of a revolution that will not be stopped!
Here is the link to The Blessing from South Africa: