Who are Your Four Friends?
“There have been 4 angels God has placed in my life over the years that changed the course of my life,” stated a friend. As we were sipping coffee recently I was blessed to listen to his faith journey that spans over 80 plus years. He shared how each of these “angels” were divine set ups by a loving God who kept pursuing him.
One of the angels came in the form of a knock on his door one evening. It was a pastor from the local church where his daughters attended Sunday School while he and his wife enjoyed a nice relaxing morning. But that evening the Gospel was shared and the Spirit opened up both of their hearts to the need for God’s amazing grace given in Jesus. They soon joined the church and have been faithfully serving there for the last 50 years.
The following day after coffee with my friend I was reading the story of Jesus forgiving and healing the paralyzed man in Mark 2. What caught my attention-in light of my conversation the day before-was the 4 friends that brought this man to Jesus. You may recall how crowds of people mobbed the house just to hear Jesus, so to get their friend to Jesus they dug through the roof. Can you imagine Jesus’ reaction as dirt and material fell all around as a man was lowered in His presence? He had to be smiling.
The text says; “When Jesus saw the extent of their faith, He said to the paralyzed man, ‘My son, your sins are now forgiven.” (vs. 5). Jesus honored the faith of the 4 friends who went to crazy lengths to bring this man to Him. I think about the pastor that was willing to knock on the door of my friend that night and share the Gospel. He could have stayed home after a busy day and watched sports or read a book, but instead he took a risk and loved my friend and his wife.
After reading the passage I thought about the “4 friends” and their faith that helped bring me to Jesus throughout my life. There have been lots, from parents, grandparents, pastors, teachers, coaches, my wife, friends, etc. People who took risks to reach out, to love, to listen, care, share, and show me what Jesus looked like. As I thought about all those God used and continues to use in my life I am so grateful for how our Father uses the faith of others to bring us before Jesus.
I was also challenged to ask myself who am I risking it all for to bring to Jesus? Am I willing to step out in faith and dig through a roof to bring some one to Jesus? Who is the Spirit leading me to pray for, show kindness to, write a note of encouragement, serve, go visit, share the Gospel with, etc.
Maybe take a few minutes today and reflect on the “4 friends” the Father has used to bring you to Jesus. Thank God for the faith of your friends and how He used them. May the Spirit challenge you as He did me to step out in faith to help bring another into the presence of Jesus and watch Him do His miracles.
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