A Good Father & Free Coffee


We have two great son in-laws Nick and Hunter. They love the LORD, my daughters, biking, and coffee, what else could you ask for. In fact, Hunter loves coffee so much that he roasts his own beans and works at a coffee shop.

Recently Hunter shared how a church in their community paid for free coffee and goodies for a whole day to anyone who walked in the door and gave the name of the church. Now thats an amazing gift for this small coffee business as well as for the community!

As I was having my devotions the other morning and thinking about the Father’s generous gift of the Gospel, my mind went back to coffee. Yes, a cup of coffee was in my hand but also what happened at Legends Coffee shop in Aurora, Colorado.

I thought about how during lockdown Oceans was given a super natural gift from the Father, Stag coffee shop for $1. And how God clearly showed we need to give this over to Kegan Haakonsen, Oceans Retreat Center’s manger at the time and let him run with it. By the way Kegan has done a fantastic job in the midst of a difficult economy.

As I sipped my coffee that morning I sensed the Lord’s prompting Oceans to give a similar offer to the Fish Hoek community, a day of free coffee from Stag. I emailed the board, talked it over with Kegan and because of some generous gifts from donors it became a reality.

So on Monday all people had to do was come up to the counter and meet a smiling Kegan and say “A Good Father,” and Venus, the barista, would make up their favorite drink. Yes, I know it is just coffee, but maybe, just maybe this small gift might ignite a thought about the Father’s generous heart in giving His only beloved Son as free gift to all who call out in faith to receive Him.

I praise God for Flatirons church and how their generosity reached us in South Africa and gave us the opportunity to experience the joy of giving and blessing others with the Father’s generous love. The day was filled with divine appointments, tears, prayers, shock, and opportunities to tell the story of a Good Good Father and His Son. It was awesome watching others pay it forward as well.

Listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit this Christmas season. How is your Father calling you to demonstrate His  goodness and kindness to those in your sphere of influence. Go for it, it may be your best and most joyous Christmas ever!!!

“Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from the Father above, who created all heaven’s lights. Unlike them, He never changes or cast shifting shadows. In His goodness He chose to make us His own children by giving us His true word (Jesus). And we, out of all creation, became His choice possession,” (James 1:17-18).



1 reply
  1. Patty
    Patty says:

    This day brought Tim so much JOY! He offered a coffee to the 3 police officers strolling by and they declined as they they could not accept anything for free, aka bribes! He asked our favourite Lam It All, copier and scanning lady a cappuccino and even with her mask on you could see the look of surprise in her eyes! Of course he told the “password” to a homeless man and he went to the wrong coffee shop and later Tim redirected him. This friend made sure to tell his other friends. It was a blessing for Tim to pray with people and so many individuals paid for others treats! It was truly a Good Day to celebrate our Good Father!


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