A Slice of Life

Written by Patty Spykstra It is hard to believe that Tim and I relocated to South Africa in January 2020. I must admit that missions for us isn’t quite the same as my childhood recollections, and I like to think that we are all called to be missionaries and reflect Christ in our work places, […]

Preparing for Home

Last week we received the sobering news from my mom that their good friends were killed in a traffic accident. The four of them had just spent the week traveling around Colorado having a wonderful time together. The two couples parted ways and a few days later found out that their dear friends lost their […]

Just Breathe – Exhale

Praise the Lord for video calling! The other day our daughter called us from Colorado and turned her phone to our grandson who has figured out how to make some new sounds other than crying for food or to be held. Both of our hearts melted wanting to jump through the screen and give him […]

Just Breathe- Inhale

  Trying to stay warm on a blistery wet winter day in South Africa, Patty and I covered ourselves with blankets, consumed hot coffee, and distracted our minds with good books. Patty was reading about the importance of correct breathing for your health and wanted me to practice with her. I paused my reading and […]

“Come into My Heart”

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head that won’t go away? For the past week I keep singing over and over a song I learned years ago in Sunday school: “Come into my heart, come into to my heart, come into my heart Lord Jesus, come in today come in to stay […]

What is Jesus doing right now?

I know this is going to sound funny but take a moment and lift both of your hands in the air. Maybe you’re in a coffee shop, or checking emails at work, possibly in bed or out on your patio with a cup of coffee. Did you do it, how did you feel? The other […]