No Plan B!
Blog written by Bryan Steel – the Principal of newly formed Christian High School. 2 Corinthians 5:5 says, “Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” God has prepared us for whatever purpose He has in […]
Christian High School Opens on ORC Campus
Blog written by Mike Verkaik After months of prayers, preparation and paperwork the high school began holding classes on the Oceans Retreat Center (ORC) campus in July. It is the first Christian High School in Fish Hoek, South Africa. To explain the journey Oceans Ministries has been on to be a part of this new […]
“Riding the Waves of God’s Grace”
How we need testimonies in our world of those who finish well. A few years ago I encouraged Pastor Bill Bierling to write down his life and ministry story to share with a new generation. A new generation who need to hear the truths about life’s highs and lows and how to finish well. After […]
Kids Catching a Kingdom Vision
The blog was written by my daughter Anna Brock Jesus feeding the five thousand is a popular story in John 6:1-14 and often a favorite miracle shared among adults and kids. Sometimes I find myself missing out on God’s truth throughout Scripture when I read familiar stories that I have heard since I was a […]
Stories of His Faithfulness
Written by Mike Verkaik: Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story. – Psalm 107:2 One of the joys and life giving gifts of leading kingdom encounter trips is to almost daily hear testimonials and stories of our Father’s faithfulness and provision from local people, and partner ministries. To me, listening to the accounts […]
This is Church
Written by Mike Verkaik: I have recently returned from traveling with another group of high school students to Oceans Retreat Center (ORC) in Fish Hoek, SA. As Tim mentioned last week, we are excited about an upstart Christian school moving on to the campus. Part of this Kingdom Encounter was preparing the campus for the […]