

Hiking the 14,000-foot Mount Democrat meant that we must arrive early at the trailhead in order to beat the predictable afternoon thunderstorms. My son had planned this climb for sometime; he figured it was a great way to end the summer before everyone headed back to school, and a great motivator to keep his dad in shape. As adrenaline carried us up the first few miles we noticed the mountain beginning to disappear as a cloudbank rapidly rolled in. As we plodded upward people started to rush downward sharing that they heard thunder and we should get off the mountain ASAP! We looked at each other and determined to go a little further and than decide. As we made it to a place called the saddle the weather got worse and we discussed what to do next.

Earlier that morning while driving up we talked about an email I recently received from a friend who shared how God was bringing about breakthroughs in his life after a long season of dark clouds of suffering. Perhaps it was because of that conversation we located a small wooden shelter to huddle in for protection and waited for a breakthrough and hoped this was a good idea. While the cold whipping wind swirled around us I built a small prayer altar from nearby rocks. After about 20 minutes we noticed the clouds lifting and the mountain was in view again. As we meandered to the closest ledge a glorious rainbow broke forth which energized our souls. We had our breakthrough and continued the climb, when we reached the summit the view was glorious and any struggles with the hike were quickly forgotten.

While on that mountain God gave us a picture none of us will ever forget. Truth is all of us have faced spiritual storms filled with dark cold clouds where God’s presence seems to vanish. And yes the thought of turning around and finding a familiar shelter in our spiritual walk has happened on more than one occasion. One hiker, who made a U-turn down the mountain, said to us, “Time to turn around, get a beer, sit on the couch, and enjoy the Olympics.” But as you read Scripture time and again the spiritual mountain climbers who kept going in the midst of the darkness in time experienced seasons of powerful breakthroughs!

The greatest of all climbers was Jesus, He crawled His way up Mount Moriah climbed on a wooden cross and waited out the horrific storm trusting in His Father for a breakthrough. On the third day the ultimate breakthrough came as darkness fled from the glory of a resurrected Savior who became King! And He offers the same powerful breakthroughs to all who are willing to put their hope and trust in His promises in the midst of their own individual storms.

For some reason I have heard the word breakthrough numerous times over the last few months. I’m holding on in prayer that our Abba Father is about to break forth in a powerful way for His waiting children. His beloved children who have not turned back in the storm but are holding on in faith for a mighty breakthrough to shine the way up to the places He is calling us to climb and showing us a fresh revelation of His glory and grace. Keep holding on for the coming breakthrough!




5 replies
  1. Penelope
    Penelope says:

    HI Tim…great post and a great message to stay close to the Father in all situations. I am praying for a breakthrough with grandkids that they would return to their Christian heritage. As the days grow darker, it is of great concern to many that their children and grandchildren will not be equipped to weather the storms. God is faiithful and praying for their hearts to return. I loved the analogy of your mountain climb and how fortunate that you did wait for the break! Good times! Love hearing your heart.

    • Tim Spykstra
      Tim Spykstra says:

      Hi Penny,
      Yes, God is faithful to all His promise in Jesus. Abba hears your prayers and in His perfect time will act for His glory in their hearts and we will rejoice!
      Thanks for your comments.

  2. Michele Bennett
    Michele Bennett says:

    This is so perfect for today – His timing is perfect!
    Breakthrough – a sudden advance or successful development. Abba is opening doors of opportunities that I have waited years for answers to. He is showing me that what I thought was a no is now a maybe and many other possibilities that I hadn’t seen before. So excited!


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