Crashing the Gate of Hell – A Heartfelt Confession


What are a group of Rhinos called? A crash! When I first read this I thought it was a joke, but it is not! Maybe the reason Rhinos are called a crash is because with limited eyesight they run up to 40 mph carrying over 2000 pounds! You surely don’t want to get in their way!


Jesus declared in Matthew 16 that His followers would become such a powerful force in the world that the would CRASH through the “gates of hell” and unleash satan’s stronghold on this world.


This powerful momentum begins when one-person confesses, “You are Christ, the Son of the living God,” (vs. 16). It was Peter at Caesarea Philippi, but when you or I make this confession it will not only change us, but will also enlist an army of “spiritual rhinos.” And this group will overcome the world with the Father’s glory.

It would take a book to unpack this powerful 9-word confession. But take a few moments to consider that Peter is confessing that Jesus is the promised Messiah – “the anointed one from God” that all of Scripture points to. Jesus is anointed by the Spirit of God as Prophet, Priest, and King. And when you and I receive Jesus as “Anointed from the Father” you receive Him as……..


True Prophet –The living Word of God who directs your life through His Spirit.

Perfect High Priest –Who took on your sin, was sacrificed on the cross, buried it in the tomb, and brought you into the heavenly holy of holies where He daily brings you before your Father in the fullness of His love.

Sovereign King –You live a life of complete trust as you lose your life for His reign.


This trifold gift of the Anointed is from the heart of the Father. As Jesus told Peter:

“…for this was not revealed to you by man but by my Father in heaven,” (vs. 17).

This powerful truth of grace should cause our hearts to tremble. When we confess Jesus as the anointed one it is all because the Father chose us to know Him through His Son, the anointed Prophet, Priest & King. In other words – It’s all God!


When this truth breaks into our hearts by the Holy Spirit the CRASH begins. We can’t keep this love to ourselves we have to pour it out to the world around us.


Be encouraged by reading the following email, which Lyn for allowed me to share. I couldn’t agree more!


Pastor Tim, I too am crashing the gates of hell. Crossroads Prison Ministries needs mentors so badly. I have taken it upon myself, with the Holy Spirits help, to work for more mentors. Starting with my church and also those I know. Just ask, the most they can say is “no,” right? I have this deeply in my heart to help. Pray that I will receive positive results. I really want this to happen for those behind bars. They need our help. Thanks for your blog, and thanks for your prayers. Love and blessings, Lyn


As you ponder this passage and the “Anointed One” given to you by the Father may you too find where He desires you to CRASH the gates of Hell!







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