Enduring Faith

Her face had a radiant glow as she stood confidently sharing her testimony before the church family. Almost a year to the date she was facing a violent storm as her husband of 15 years walked away for another woman, a close family friend.

She shared how she was sinking in despair-overwhelmed with emotion. Patty and I will never forget those dark days as she and her four children came to stay at Oceans Retreat Center to find some solace for a season as her whole world was shaking around her.

She had no source of income and not a clue where to begin. From a human perspective all looked hopeless. However, as she testified, this is where the miracle began. In the midst of her dark night of the soul she looked up to Jesus and His faithful arms to hold on to her and the children to carry them to safety.

We witnessed both through her joyful countenance and words how Jesus drove them through the storm into a precious place of His perfect peace. His healing love was displayed through the church family who became His hugs, hands, and feet and encouragement. In time doors were miraculously opened for full time work doing something she truly enjoys.

She said the days can still be long and challenging as a single mother. But all she needs to do is look back at how a faithful Savior is true to His Word and trust He will never let them go. And others have noticed. Co-workers have asked her why she can have joy despite her circumstances. God uses all things.

I was reliving her inspiring testimony this morning as I was reading Luke 8, the parable of the sower and the seed. Notice what Jesus says about the fourth soil:

“The seed that fell into good, fertile soil represents those lovers of truth who hear it deep within their hearts. They respond by clinging to the word, keep it dear as they endure all things in faith. This is the seed that will one day bear much fruit in their lives,” vs. 15.

Yes, on Sunday we witnessed the truth of this passage. A dear sister in absolute brokenness “clinging to the word, keeping it dear to her heart, enduring all things in faith.” A year later we all ate from her ripe glorious fruit of praise and thanksgiving to a faithful Father God who in Christ keeps His promises.

Maybe you are in that place of brokenness or deep discouragement passing through a difficult season. You look at the world and your circumstances and say, “there is no way through this!” Hear Jesus say, “cling to Me, hold on to My promise of love for you, and trust that I will carry you through.” It may be a year or more but you too will produce the fruit of a testimony to His faithful love for you.

1 reply
  1. Patty
    Patty says:

    Still thinking about the testimonies we heard on Sunday! What an encouragement to know that God is with us in the storms and uncertainties of life! We trust in Him!


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