Following the Father – Abba’s Post

Quickly perusing the latest posts on my Instagram I find a picture of a precious new born baby, a birthday celebration of a smiling little girl, a flag football game of a young boy’s team called the Bronco’s (yea!), a weddings, bike ride, trips, and inspirational quotes. Many of these posts reflect proud parents who love their kids and want to share their experience and love with others in their social network.

As I shared with you in a previous blog Abba Father breaks into time and space to share with the world His heartfelt love and pride over His Son Jesus. At Jesus’ Baptism and Transfiguration the Father posts like any other adoring parent:

This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased! (Matthew 3:17/17:5).

Like a proud parent who jumps up and down on the stands after their child scored the winning goal or hit the last minute shot to win the game, the Father leaps off His throne in Heaven to cheer on His only Son. He wants the world to hear “That’s My Boy!!! Did you see him just walk into the Jordan to identify with sinners in baptism? How faithful my Son is to live out the will of Heaven? Wow! I love Him so much, I’m so proud of my only Boy!”

Abba doesn’t want us to miss how He feels about His Son. His love for Jesus is so overwhelming that His shout from Heaven is so loud that the atmosphere was ripped in two to usher in a proud Father’s heart (Mk. 1:10). The same thing happens at the Transfiguration, where Jesus climbs up a high mountain with Peter, James, and John to pray. As the Son seeks out His Father to prepare His heart for the coming Cross Heaven consumes the mountain with glory and the Father sends Moses and Elijah to encourage Jesus for the journey ahead of Him. But again the Father can’t contain Himself and shouts out the same words:

“This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”

Notice Abba adds, “Listen to Him!” Oh don’t miss these 3 words. These 3 penetrating words bring healing and life to those who hear. What the Father is saying when He tells us to “Listen to Him” is that Jesus’ life, death, resurrection is also reign ripping heaven wide open for you so you too can hear The Father Post about you. Jesus came so that you would know the truth about what The Father thinks about you. Through the love of Christ He shouts “You’re my son/daughter, I love you, I’m so proud of who you are!!!”

Think of Jesus as the Post from Abba Father that comes to you everyday to shout out the Father’s indescribable love for you. Today take a few moments to focus on this post from Abba and listen to Jesus shout out the Father’s everlasting love for you.

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God,” 1 John 3:1.

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