God’s Sovereign Appointment Book!

This week Tim and I are in Cape Town, South Africa. Hard to imagine from the picture isn’t it. We are here to explore and plan for an upcoming trip we are taking with the Colorado Christian University women’s basketball team. Arriving late the night before, we were a little draggy starting our day, but excited for our first appointment at a retreat center run by Africa Leadership International. While walking up to the main building we were greeted with a chorus of prayers coming out of the meeting room. Simultaneous prayers offered by all the participants, bringing praise and petition to their Father individually, and corporately. It was a beautiful melody, reminding us of what our Abba Father hears each day as the countless prayers of His children reach His ears.

As the prayers ceased, we walked into the retreat center and were greeted by what seemed like people from every tribe and nation. Introductions and conversations proceeded as we were once again made aware of the orchestration and connectedness of the kingdom of God. All of our worlds seemed to collide as conversations arose about ministries God used to bring us to this moment. Promise Keepers, World Vision, Beautiful Gate Lesotho, Beautiful Gate Cape Town, and Open Door Ministries were a common thread that God had woven through our journeys, bringing us together at this seemly insignificant place on the side of a mountain.

As we were talking about our amazing day, we discussed Acts chapter 10. How Both Cornelius, a Roman centurion, and Peter a devote Jew were set up for a Divine Appointment through prayer. Their worlds would have never collided in the natural realm but through the spiritual realm the Holy Spirit birthed an explosive movement of God among the Gentiles. Tim and I would have never experienced what we did today if not for prayer and God’s sovereign appointment book. Read Acts 10 if you have sometime today and meditate on the power of two praying men and the unleashing of the Kingdom of God into the world. Let this story and ours motivate you to keep calling on the name of your Good Father and watch God’s divine appointments flood your life with His glory.

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