Hand It Over

Both my older brother and sister are often mistaken as my younger siblings. Curt has a full head of hair with no gray and Cindy, well not sure if she does something to her hair or not but it sure looks good. Maybe I got the wrong genes or maybe it is a reflection of the war with worry in my head that literally reveals itself in the gray invasion and thinning scalp.
Whether my gray hear is the result of decades of shepherding or shear worry-a few more hairs have turned again- as we start planning for what we believe is the path set before Oceans. The heavenly Father continues to be loving and gracious and gently calls me to hand-it-over. (Whatever the “it” may be.) During the last trip to Africa we met with African Leadership, a ministry we plan to partner with to train and disciple leaders in the nearby townships.

As we were sipping our coffee a lady came up out of no where and started to whisper in my ear, “the Lord bless you and shine His face upon you and He will establish the work of your hands as you wait on Him, He will do it…” This was not an everyday occurrence and as I turned to see if I knew her and ask why she was doing this she quickly walked away.
I knew God was trying to help me in the worry war but not sure what it all meant until we arrived at Ray Haakonsen’s house later that day. Ray’s daughter Maleteka, one of the first children Ray & Sue took in when they started Beautiful Gate in Lesotho, is an incredible artist. I asked her to show me her latest work and she brought me this picture of the hands.
Over the last several years God has spoken to me about resting in His hands. Trusting in Him by waiting on Him through prayer as He continues to remind me that He will accomplish His purposes. His Sovereign hands control the world. This certainly comes out in Maleteka’s magnificent drawing. Her work brought to mind one of my favorite text’s about the Father’s hand:
“So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand,” (Isa. 41:10).
This is the Word from the LORD that helps me in my worry war. The Word that calls me to look away from the impossible and look to the one who not only created the world but covers and controls it all with His loving hands. In fact, I was just reading Isa. 40:12 this morning which also emphasis the work of His all powerful hands:
“Who else has held the oceans in His hand? Who has measured off the heavens with His finger…”
This amazing Father God continues to ask me to give up the worry war and hand it all over to His mighty, loving, forever holding hands. He keeps saying to me, “just rest in the palm of My hands and I will establish the work that I have called you to do despite your weakness and worries!”
Look at Maletka’s picture again. Notice the hand of God writing. He is writing your story and mine and the most important part of our story is trusting Him with our lives. To follow the example of His Son Jesus and say “into Your hands I commit my spirit.”
Today, join me in the war on worry by handing over your fears, worries, and cares in prayer to your Father. Rest in His creative, all powerful, loving hands and wait for Him to do more than you could ever hope for or imagine.

Another challenging yet comforting blog my brother. I love the entwining of words and painting and know He calls me to the same rest 🙏
Teka will love it ❤
This reminds me of the old song “He has the whole world in His hands”. Despite what we see, He is in control.
Hallelujah 🙌