Winter is Over!

Picture by Katie Mullen

Or perhaps I should say, “hopefully winter is over.” It has been a long winter here in Colorado and just when you think it’s spring-it snows. The older I get the more I long for spring and the promise it brings of warmer days and the breaking forth of new life in a multitude of hues.

Our Good Father knew that spring was the perfect time to unwrap the gift of salvation in the death and resurrection of His beloved Son. Creation shouts of winter’s death-giving way to the abundant resurrection of life. The French biblical scholar Pierre Benoit prayed over the passion and death narratives found in the gospel of Luke for 35 years. After all those years of study He concluded that as God, the Father saw His Son’s torn and bloody body surrendered in perfect obedience for His lost children, He spoke these words to Jesus from Song of Songs 2:10-13, NIV:

Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with Me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come my darling; my beautiful one, come with Me.

Of course no one knows for sure if our Abba Father spoke these words, but this song undoubtedly declares the Father’s love, a glorious new season has broken forth. As I write this blog I hear birds singing joyfully as the sun chases away the darkness, the tree in my backyard is bursting with white flowering buds. All of creation is shouting out that a new season is dawning.

Right now we are in between the Jewish feast of Passover and Pentecost and I sense in my spirit that the Father is singing to us these words from Song of Songs. He is calling us to live into the resurrection season and await with glorious hope the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

A new day is breaking forth for the Father’s children. Winter is coming to an end. We are invited to receive the gift of His love through Jesus. Don’t expect to hear this song from the news or social media, but do take a few moment to quiet your spirit and focus on the resurrection power that raised Christ from the dead! The Apostle Paul reminds us that this same power also lives in us (Ephesians 1:19-20). Claim this truth, hear this love Song of the Father and believe these words are intended for you!

I believe a fresh Revival of His Love is about to break forth over our world. I felt this hope last month in South Africa and this past weekend here in Colorado as a pastor called his flock to prayer and repentance to prepare hearts for what God is soon bringing. As we hear His song over us (Zephaniah 3:17), and are awakened by His life transforming love we will begin to sing to our world “The winter is past; the rains are over and gone…” The Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ is covering the earth with the Father’s glory.

During this spring season take some time to be in creation and reflect on the glory of the resurrected Jesus, how He longs for you to have His resurrected life transform you. Hear your Father sing these words over you.

Your winter is over-I’m bringing you into a new season of Heaven’s love that will revive you and those around you for My Kingdom glory and your good!

Picture by Katie Mullen

1 reply
  1. Ray Haakonsen
    Ray Haakonsen says:

    Thanks for this thought provoking blog again Tim. Now for us in the Southern Hemisphere, we are exciting Autumn (Fall) for our Winter 🌧

    Here in Cape Town it gets ‘snappy’ but not really cold, but Winter normally brings rain. After a few dry Winters, our hope is for plenty of rain. So even in Winter there is hope as rain falls nourishing the ground.

    Seasons are great (but not always fully appreciated) and a reminder of the creativity and beauty He brings 🙏


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