A Journey of Faith – Preparing Your Shoes
A few weeks ago a pastor shared with me that “God had put him in a time out.” He went on to share about a difficult season he was coming through, one where God was working in his heart in order to prepare him for a new season.
I had the privilege of listening to this pastor preach his first Sunday back after being in “time out” for several weeks. I had to hold back the tears as I listened to his authentic, Holy Spirit-filled message captivate the hearts of the congregation. It was a Holy moment as he shared his “time out” experience with the body and a new journey that God was leading him, as well as the church, into.
In Joshua chapter 3 we read about the miraculous story of the people of Israel crossing over the Jordon River at flood stage. But before this miracle of faith takes place, Joshua tells the people to “consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you,” (vs. 5). The Hebrew word for “consecrate” is “qadash,” which means to sanctify or make your self holy and right before God. Joshua is saying to the people, “time out, you need to have your spiritual shoes prepared to take this next step of faith.”
Last January the church where I served as pastor held a 21 day fast, a time out if you will, where we could prepare our hearts to hear the voice of God and follow in faith. It was a humbling time as God revealed sin, weakness, and a need for greater dependence on Him. At the time I would have never dreamed of where I am at today, but God was molding my stubborn heart to prepare me for a new journey of faith.
Maybe God has you in a “time out,” He is doing a work in your heart, uncovering sin, expanding your vision, preparing your shoes for a miraculous journey ahead. Listen to His Word calling you to “consecrate yourself,” surrendering your heart to Jesus. Let Him hold it, wash over it with His cleansing blood, and mold it to prepare your shoes for a Holy work of God the Father in your life.
Reflecting back, pushing the “pause button” or being in “time out” have often been times of great reflection, blessing and spiritual growth! During those moments I have stepped back and found time to hear AND follow the Holy Spirit’s prompting!
Loving my tennis shoes, sandals and snow boots! I am walking alongside you in this game of life!
Thanks for walking with me on this journey, you are a gift!