What’s the Solution?

Where have you seen the Kingdom today? Every night we have family time with our high school group from Zeeland, Michigan and we ask that question. These four have been thrown into all sorts of experiences out here in South Africa from service in a local township, to a 7 hour Easter worship event, to an epic hike up Table Mountain battling gale force winds and getting completely drenched. They have been an amazing group and their answers concerning the movement of God’s Kingdom have been exceptional.

One of the Students Eli Geurink shared a poem he wrote as he reflected on his day working at Ocean View Care Centre in a near by township:

What’s the solution?

What is the plan?

How do undo pollution?

How to remake man?

Drugs to cure the suffering

Alcohol for the pain

The people are left buffering

Most have gone insane

Knowledge is half the answer

We must learn about the past

Ignorance is like a cancer

If not treated it grows fast

The other is forgiveness

Though many hearts are scarred

We cannot cling to bitterness

Instead to absolution despite it being hard


Eli’s poem highlights the only solution to pandemic of problems that face not only South Africa, but the US and many other nations as well, Forgiveness! One of the enemies greatest ways to destroy nations, communities, families and individuals is bitter roots uncut that lead to deep seated anger, jealousy, divisions, and demonic hate.

Only forgiveness can cut the bitter root and restore true healing and shalom. Praise God for the reminder this past weekend of the mighty work of Forgiveness that took place on the cross through Christ’s death and was made complete when He was raised from the dead. All who have experienced that forgiveness through trusting in the cross and resurrection have been given the supernatural gift to forgive others and bring forgiveness to a broken world.

If Christ is in you, you are the solution that our world desperately needs. It won’t be the government, no amount of money will cure the problems nor the best education or training. It will only be through a mighty move of the Spirit of the resurrected King Jesus. He is the one who fills wounded hearts with His red blood of forgiveness and transforming them to forgive those around them. In doing so, His Kingdom will break forth and rivers of healing will flood the nations.

“And forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us,”  Matthew 6:12.



2 replies
  1. Anita
    Anita says:

    Thank you for this post Tim. It is encouraging to see the kids smiling and hear the way God is showing them His Kingdom each day. Your words about the way the enemy is destroying communities and families are so true, and knowing that Christ has overcome the enemy is what we cling to, but learning to die to ourselves and forgive others will bring joy back into these places. Thank you for your role in helping these wonderful kids grow deeper in their understanding of God’s Kingdom.


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