When the God of Creation Speaks …

Sitting down with my freshly brewed coffee in one hand and Bible in the other my quiet time was abruptly interrupted two mornings in a row. The first morning the visitor just starred at me through the window until I raised my hand to wave and she scatted off. Same time, same place the very next morning the visitor greeted me again. This time I sat motionless and we had a stare down for a few minutes. There was something brown dangling out of her mouth and after a few minutes she again took off. I left my chair and rushed outside to follow her and this is what I found.

The robin led me to her nest with two babies who had just received a worm for breakfast. That nest protected the two chicks from a few massive thunder storms with torrential rain and hail. And the nest provided a powerful word of the LORD to my heart. I had been praying for Abba to fill me with peace and faith, to be freed from fear as we are launching new ministries in South Africa, buying a retreat center, and looking at the prospect of relocating there in the near future. My early morning visitor led me back to the Creator Jesus, and His life giving words:
“So I tell you, don’t worry about everyday life – whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes. Doesn’t life consist of more than food and clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to Him than they are…” (Mt. 6:25-26 NLT).
My feathery visitor reminded me of these truths from the lips of Jesus which sealed my spirit with an overwhelming sense of peace even in the midst of uncertain future. Since the visit from the robin I daily go to the tree in my front yard to say observe the chicks-resting secure in their amazing nest and feasting on big brown worms from our rain soaked yard. And the Spirit reminds me through creation and the Word – “…And you are far more valuable to Him than they are…”
Take sometime during this week and get out in God’s creation. Let your Father show you His unfailing love for you, (Psalm 19). Remember if He cares for His creation certainly, He cares for you and me!
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