The Favor of the Father’s Face – Graciousness

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you… Numbers 6:24-25 

In my wallet is a grace filled $20 bill heading with me to Lesotho Africa. This folded green paper with Andrew Jackson’s face on it testifies to the powerful graciousness of our Father God that was given to me last Tuesday night. My daughter Anna and I were sitting in a smoke filled hotel room of a man I will call David. I met David back in the fall when we knocked on his door to pass out some food and offer prayers. The smell of alcohol was potent on his breath as he turned down the food but quite apt at sharing his knowledge of the Bible, which he definitely possessed a wealth of.

Over the last few months David’s hotel room has become one of our final stops on Tuesday night where he shares with us a message he feels God has for the team that ministries with “Jesus on Colfax Ministries.” David’s life reads as a story of pain and brokenness, which began when a family member violated him as a young boy. This produced a life of battling drugs, prison time, homelessness, and deep loneliness. In the midst of fighting past demons God’s grace found him, loved him, and kept him from certain death.

Many times after leaving David’s room driving home I say to Patty, “I heard God speak through David tonight.” In the midst of his weakness, his struggles with the bottle, somehow God has a word for us. Often times I hear God say, “David is a picture of my mercy and grace and I use him even in his state of brokenness just as I can use anyone even you.” I may not struggle with the same issues David has but I have my own battles in my soul, my own weakness, which somehow Christ by His graciousness works through.

Over the last few weeks a noteworthy difference has occurred-when we stop at David’s room he has been sober- with his well-worn bible in hand he continues to give us a Word from the LORD. Last Tuesday my daughter and I heard a message about taking up the cross and following Jesus, which he said means a life of sacrifice. As he finished he stood up, went to the place where he hides his money, pulled out a $20, and said “God has freely given to me so I give to you, go plant seeds with it!” For the life of me I wanted to give it back. The voice in my head said, “You can’t accept this, he has so little, just look around the room.” Praise God the Spirit kept my proud heart in check and I sensed Him say, “Humble your heart and receive the gift.”

As the $20 travels with me to Africa-it is a sign of the favor of the LORD’s face of graciousness through Jesus Christ that shone on me through the grace given to David in that hotel room. I can’t wait to plant the seeds of the favor of God’s grace in Africa with this cash given from the heart!

Today, don’t be afraid to open your heart to the favor of God’s graciousness and receive the gift He has for you, it may come in the most unusual and unexpected way!





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