The Favor of the Father’s Face – Shalom

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

I love the Hebrew word Shalom translated peace in the passage above. Shalom is one of those words overflowing with vast meaning and peace is just one word to describe it. Here are a few synonyms that help build the house of shalom:

completeness, soundness, health, wholeness, rest, contentment, security, lasting friendship, tranquility, etc.

As you read this I’m currently in the small country of Lesotho, Africa-a place that has become a second home to me. This past week I had the privilege of participating in a ceremony at Beautiful Gate Care Center where the mantel of leadership was passed on from Bryan and Anita Geurink to Peter and Lindiwe Kirstein. It was an extraordinary day in an extraordinary place and I might add both couples are extraordinary!

Beautiful Gate is a place filled with the Shalom of the Father. Ray and Sue Haakonsen, the founders of Beautiful Gate, began this place with the passion to rescue abandoned babies from death and it is clear that the Face of God was shining upon this endeavor. In 2002 seven children were under the care of Beautiful Gate. Since that time with the support of a team of dedicated employees and volunteers, hundreds of children have been rescued and later adopted and because of this place thousands of lives have been transformed all over the world.

When people visit Beautiful Gate for the first time or the 10th time they run directly into the Shalom of Heaven that rests on this sacred land. The people of Beautiful Gate live the Father’s heart filled with the Spirit of the Father’s love for orphans and His peace permeates every inch of the place. What happens when someone experiences the Shalom of God? They are forever “ruined.” Ruined in a beautiful way. Over the years I have witnessed countless first time volunteers drawn back time and again and return to the Shalom of God. I have seen those who tasted this shalom in Africa return to share the incredible completeness experienced with their own families, churches, and cities. Once one has tasted the Shalom of the Father’s loving Face an indescribable passion is ignited!

Do you know the Shalom, the peace of living in the Father’s presence? You were created to live in the Shalom of the Father’s love, and nothing in the world can impart it to you but His Face shining on you. You don’t have to go to Lesotho Africa to find it at Beautiful Gate, even though you will find it there if you go, you can find it right where you are. The Father has given us His Son Jesus, who not only reveals the Face of the Father, but also shows us His heart and how to live in His Shalom. Keep looking at and following Jesus and let Him lead you to the Father’s Home full of Shalom!

Jesus said: If anyone loves me he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him. John 14:23.



3 replies
  1. Ray Haakonsen
    Ray Haakonsen says:

    Oh my brother from another Mother, what a privilege and joy to have been there sharing in that day!

    What gladness filled our hearts as we saw what God has done. He surely has shown His face at Beautul Gate for all to see.

    Thank you for your love and passion and for sharing the love of ABBA Father, the grace of His son Jesus and the power of His spirit through your life.

    Surely that Shalom is available to all who ask for it and are prepared to receive the Hugs of ABBA Father.

    I am so blessed God has Divinely intercepted our paths and our journey continues.

    Safe travels till we meet again!

  2. Michele Bennett
    Michele Bennett says:

    Amen Tim. And Ray. It wasn’t just this day (which was absolutely glorious!) both times I have been to Beautiful Gate the glory of His presence is overwhelmingly felt. In the joy and love that is showered upon all but also in the pain and brokenness of this world that is experienced here.
    Thank-you Sue for hearing God’s call and saying yes. Thank-you Ray for trusting what Sue heard from God, by supporting your wife and jumping in along side her to make this a reality. Thank-you Bryan and Anita for your love, laughter and obedience. Thank-you Lindiwe and Peter for taking up the gauntlet of this new season to further His Kingdom – I look forward to serving with you. Thank-you Christina Terpstra and Tyler Robberts for sharing the hope of Beautiful Gate throughout the world. Thank-you Ron & Karen Boersema for your service. Thank-you to the Basotho staff at Beautiful Gate for their tireless love. And thank-you Beirlings, Spykstras, Board members in Lesotho and abroad, to all the volunteers, churches and teams and so many more that I don’t know, who see and support Beautiful Gate through prayers, finances, sharing, and so on.
    If you want to know what God can do with our very small yes – this is a great example.
    To God be all the glory!

    • Harriet Bierling
      Harriet Bierling says:

      We were so blessed by seeing all the awesome pictures of the Beautiful Gate celebration! It truly made us feel that we were right there with all of you in spirit!
      We are so thankful that we were given the opportunity to be a part of BG all these years. Our hearts burst with joy to see where God has taken BG from a humble beginning to where it is today! Hundreds of lives have been given new life through the “yes” of Ray & Sue, Bryan & Anita & now Peter & Lindiwe.
      Like you said, Tim so passionately in your message at the change of leadership at Beautiful Gate, “It is not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord ”
      Praise God for using His Spirit, flowing through others, who were willing to be His servants to bring about His Glory!


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