Finding Your Song – Spirit Lead Me…

Growing up Africa was never on my radar. Yet for the last 17 years I can honestly say I think about it every day. As you can see from the picture above I’m writing this blog from the Southern tip of the African continent. Even this trip wasn’t on the radar a few weeks ago. The last few nights I have been connecting the dots in my journal after coming back from emotional days of ministry meetings and seeking the will of God. As I draw the lines from dot to dot a song is being arranged that goes way beyond anything I could have ever imagined or dreamed. As I listen to the wind outside rustling through the trees I’m reminded of the one who continues to write my song, The Holy Spirit!
I’m hear in Southern Africa because of mysterious ways of the Spirit. I have not always understood His placements of the notes in my song, even protesting at times. Yet as I ponder my past I realize He is the Master composer writing my life song according to the plans of my loving Father.
As a young teenage boy David encountered this powerful movement of the Holy Spirit upon his life as described in 1 Samuel 16:13:
So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power.
David had to learn to listen to the rhythm of the Spirit in order to stay in step with the Spirit’s beat. The Spiritual Battles we talked about last week were one of the means used to tune David’s ears to hear the voice of the Spirit. As David learned to surrender his spirit (Psalm 31:5) his will was being fused into the Father’s heart and He learned to follow. Jesus, David’s relative, showed us clearly how His song was glorious written by the Spirit’s control over His life:
I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what He sees His Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does (John 5:19).
The same Spirit poured out over David and who anointed Jesus with power and love at His Baptism lives in the hearts of His children. Therefore we too who share in Heavens supernatural love by the anointing of the Holy Spirit are daily being shown the Father’s Heart.
Many times He whispers but sometimes He has to shout to grab our attention. A few days ago I was with my friends Ray & Steve having a meeting with a ministry couple in a local coffee shop. When a lady came over to our table and began to speak into my ear a prophetic word from the Lord. I was startled to say the least, I stuttered out a “thank you” and she quickly walked away. Only the Spirit could have orchestrated her words to a total stranger from another country to say exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. Oh what a loving Father!!!
The Holy Spirit is writing your song and He is asking you to trust Him with it. He wants you to join Him as He is leading you to intimately know the Father’s Heart of love for you. His faithful love will write a song that glorifies His name in your life and brings you joy now and forever.
As I’m presently seating between two Oceans I have this chorus running through my spirit:
“Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior.” (Oceans, Hillsong United).
I would have never dreamed Africa would be part of my song, but oh what a Father who graciously leads by His Spirit. Today may the chorus above be your prayer – “Spirit lead me…”
My brother Tim…such a privilege to be walking part of this journey the Spirit is taking you on and witnessing the Father whispering to you through those He is bringing across your path 🙏
He is truly doing a new thing and helping us sing a New Song for His Glory.
Your Oceans brother