Life Outside the Comfort Zone!

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!” A friend shared that statement with Patty and me the other night and I have been thinking about it ever since. By nature we seek-out comfort or environments that we think we can control, places that seem safe and familiar. In fact the “comfort zone” is a big seller and makes billions of dollars each year convincing people that life is all about living in the zone of comfort with that the next phone, car, gadget, home, job, investment, etc.
When I think about the saying above it has me pondering Jesus’ words in Luke 9:23-26:
“If any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow Me. I f you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for Me, you will find true life. And how do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose or forfeit your own soul in the process.”
In essence Jesus is the author of “life begins at the end of your comfort zone,” and that life is found in following Him. Yes, the epic journey of following Jesus is scary, hard at times, uncertain, and definitely out of our comfort zone, but it leads to exhilarating abundant life. To be honest I’m a little scared as we pack up to leave for South Africa and say good bye to so many things and people that make us feel comfortable. But I know from past experience that there is a life ahead beyond understanding that is found in His will.
So as you move into 2020 think about the phrase “life begins at the end of your comfort zone,” and the words of Jesus from Luke 9:23-26 calling you to follow Him. Where is He calling you out of your comfort zone in this New Year? Perhaps it is to reach out with His love to a neighbor or co-worker. Maybe it is to use your gifts and talents in a new way this year like leading a prayer group in your home, doing a Bible study with your wife, kids, or a friend. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you this year about following whole heartedly after Jesus. No doubt it will be scary and beyond you- but know that “True Life,” in Jesus is waiting for you as you step out of the boat.
The Board & Staff of Oceans Ministries prays that God will do more than you can ever hope or imagine this year for His glory. We also want to thank you for your prayers and support as we move out in new steps of faith this year. For those of you who donate to Oceans you can still send your checks to Oceans Ministries, P.0. Box 461024, Aurora, CO 800046 or through PayPal found on our website:
Happy New Year!
What a fitting blog as you and Patty practically walk out what you write my brother Tim. Praying for you both in these last couple days before you head over the Atlantic to us in Cape Town.
So blessed to have you both coming and look forward to see what ABBA Father does in and through our lives in Oceans in 2020. Thank you for your ‘yes’ and willingness again to step out of another comfort zone for His glory 🙏
Love you both ❤
We praise the Lord for a safe arrival to Cape Town not only for Tim and me, but also for the team from Michigan! It is such an answer to prayer to be here and begin to further unfold the ministry set before us here in Fish Hoek, South Africa! Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and concerns!