Pray for Open Doors

“He is speaking right to me!” Have you ever felt the sermon was just for you? This past Sunday the pastor’s message struck a cord that has been ringing in the ears of my spirit ever since. “Prayer is hard work, probably the hardest spiritual discipline we will do,” stated Pastor Jeff. He went on to say that the enemy knows that when God’s children pray they become an unstoppable force in the world. So our enemy will do whatever it takes to keep us from prayer or when we do pray discourage us with intense spiritual warfare to keep us from pressing in further.

The text preached was from Colossians 4:2ff:

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful, and pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly as I should.

Your prayers have the power to birth missions. Paul writes the words above to a people he had never met and yet he knows that their prayers can open doors for him to share the gospel even as he is in prison. As I was listening to the sermon the Spirit shook the core of my being and said “you need to ask people to pray for the work of Oceans and fervently pray for other ministries, churches, and people for supernatural doors to open to share the Good News of Christ.” Maybe it is my pride, in fact I’m sure it is, I’m not good at asking others for help. If Paul, the greatest of all missionaries pleaded for prayers from strangers how much more do I need to ask for prayers for open doors.

So here it goes, I want to ask you faithful readers to lift Oceans and our Partner Ministries in prayer. That we would have open doors to share and live the Good News of Jesus Christ.

  1. Mike and Dawn Verkaik – As they weekly minister with a team of others at the Wooden Shoe motel in Holland, Michigan. Also, as Mike will be leading several mission teams to Lesotho, Africa & Cape Town.
  2. Ray & Sue Haakonsen – As Ray will be transitioning from helping set up Oceans Retreat Center to discipleship and training ministry in the Townships of Cape Town.
  3. Kegan & Dessie Haakonsen – As they manage Oceans Retreat Center and create a place of prayer, discipleship, healing, and Kingdom advancement.
  4. Bountiful Hope – Led by Paul & Cindy Trollinger as they provide schooling for orphan high schoolers as well as direction of jobs after graduation in Lesotho Africa.
  5. Beautiful Gate Care Center in Lesotho Africa – That they would continue to answer the call to save and love orphan children and be a place that disciples many to live into the Kingdom.
  6. Jesus on Colfax – Led by Shawn and Dianne Sikkema who tirelessly minister the love of Jesus on the toughest streets in Colorado.
  7. Patty & myself – As we relocate to South Africa in a few weeks and that there would be open doors to share and live the Gospel of Jesus.

Thanks in advance for your prayers and for sharing with us in the ministry of our glorious Savior Jesus Christ. And we pray that Abba Father will open doors for you today as well so that together we may show and tell others about the hope of Jesus that lives in us!

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