Reminders from the River – Living in the Flow

Can you find the “river” in the picture above? Can you see it among the 2000 years old southern steps that used to lead into the temple mount where King Herod’s temple stood in Jesus day? Let me help you in case your eyes can’t locate it. This ancient site is one of my favorites in Israel because of what happened there. Many scholars believe that was where Pentecost occurred as described in Acts 2. Below these steps are several Mikvah’s, also known as ritual baths, where 3000 people could have easily been baptized.

The pouring out of the Holy Spirit into the disciples was prophesied about in Ezekiel 47. And in this vision Ezekiel sees a River flowing out from the temple heading east and then turning south “flowing from the south side” of the temple. As this River flows it grows and every place the river touches “lives”abundantly (vs. 9). Along the River trees flourish with fruit of all kinds and the fruit does not fail and the leaves will not wither (vs 12b).
This glorious vision of the River ends with these words:
“Every month they will bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing,” (vs 12b).
Look again at the picture, can you see the River now? Look at those seated on the steps in the hot June sun. These are people from the Oceans Ministries 2018 trip to Israel. Many gave testimony to how they were immersed into the River of God’s amazing grace and transformed by the Spirit of the living God through Jesus Christ. These fellow followers of Christ are trees planted by the River and bearing fruit to bring “healing” as the River flows in and through them to others.

These steps always remind me of my calling to live in the River so my life can bear fruit and bring healing to others for my Father’s glory (John 15:1-17). God’s River continues to flow and grow all over the world, even in places you would least expected. Patty and I watched this amazing movie called “Sheep Among Wolves” . It is an extraordinary testimony of the River of God’s Spirit flowing into Iran where the church is one of the fastest growing in the world, yes you heard it right Iran! There are no buildings, no resources, no programs, no popular pastors, just broken people transformed by the River doing biblical discipleship. This movie will challenge you and call you back to live in the River and allow Him to flow through you to bring healing to the nations.
The Southern Steps is just one of the many amazing places to visit in Israel. If you are interested in coming along, Oceans Ministries has a trip planned for May 31 -June 11, 2020. For more information email: or

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