God is empowering

The Character of Abba Father’s Heart – Empowering Prayer

WEAK people pray! And what they pray for is the Father’s Empowering Presence in their life.

Last week we left off with Peter and John thrown into jail because they were living and loving Jesus (Acts 4:8-13). The religious leaders were dumbfounded with what to do with these Jesus followers, so they threatened them, told them to stop speaking and teaching in the name of Jesus, and released them.

However, instead of skipping town, Peter and John went to the church and called a prayer meeting and prayed for the empowering presence of the Father.

“…Now, LORD, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus,” (Acts 4:29-30).

Knowing their weakness they asked the Father to speak and heal through them. The disciples could only accomplish these things because they knew they belonged to the Father. The Father loves to answer the prayers of the weak: “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly” (vs.31).

This last year God has continued to show me how weak I really am and how daily I cannot continue without the empowering presence of my Heavenly Father. I would like to ask the faithful readers of this blog to pray for Patty, myself, and the team from Holland Christian High School as we travel to Lesotho Africa. Together, we are blessed to be able serve at Beautiful Gate Care Center, attend God-ordained meetings about a ministry center in one of the villages, preach the gospel in a local church, and encourage the local pastor and his wife. As we minister to orphans, families torn apart by HIV aids, and a country struggling with extreme poverty we know that there is nothing we can bring on our own, but humbly pray that in our weakness the healing presence of Abba Father’s love through Jesus brings everlasting hope. Through the prayers of the Father’s children glorious things can happen just as they did in the book of Acts, thank you in advance for your prayers!

Also, I am pleased to share with you that Danell, one of the board members of Oceans Ministries, will be writing the next two blog entries while I am in Africa.

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