Trust Your Feelings!

As my daughter Anna got into the car and she said to me “Dad that’s Kingdom!” We were both bubbling over with joy after filling 72 backpacks with school supplies for needy children in our community. Take a glance at the picture above and you will understand the source of our joy.

My partner for the evening at Parker Task Force was Heather. She was meticulous about what color folders we picked out for the the students and how we placed everything in the backpack. But she also had a crush on one of the other Rotary Volunteers and would giggle every time she caught his eye. Heather’s beautiful smile and love for life was contagious and you could feel droplets of Heaven’s grace overtake the place.

As we drove home I thought about how God’s tangible presence was in the room. It spurred my memory to reflect on times when I have felt the Father’s presence, His Kingdom coming to earth. Just than I got a text from my friend Steve who runs Parker Task Force, “This is my Africa!” Translated to mean you don’t have to travel all the way to Africa to feel the Heart of Father God.

He’s right, God’s Kingdom and God’s presence is all around us and you can feel it and find it if you’re willing to go look for it. Perhaps some of you are taking exception to the title of this blog, “Trust Your Feelings!” Many of us have heard the opposite, “Don’t Trust Your Feelings!” – because feelings can be deceptive and it is possible that feelings can lead you down a painful path.

I agree in part to that statement, but I have also realized over the years that feelings can be a strong indicator of The Father’s Heart. Our Father, a serving God and saving God sent His only Son Jesus to live amongst us by humbly coming to earth to die for our wicked hearts so we could be healed and know lasting love. Yes, Jesus came to serve us.

When we receive His gracious service-by faith-and turn around and serve others-we begin to experience and feel His Kingdom, yes feel it! It maybe loving orphans in Africa or washing dishes for your wife, but when you serve out of the Father’s love for you kingdom’s collide and you can trust that feeling as it is connect to heaven above which is always overflowing with love.

Anna and I felt it as we served alongside special needs adults who served needy kids in our community with a joyous freedom beaming with hearts of love. It brought to my mind 2 Corinthians 3:17:

Now, the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, He gives freedom. (NLT).

Can you feel it? When you start severing others-Heaven’s love is given to you-you will feel it-and that is a feeling you can trust because it comes from the Spirit of our Father. So find someone you can serve today and let me know if you felt it? After all, HIS PRESENCE is all around us!

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