A Journey of Faith – Dancing Shoes
When the children of Israel safely arrived on the other side of the Jordan, their feet skipped and danced with genuine praise for the miracle they just encountered.
Journey of Faith – Shoes In – Journey Deeper
Where is God in this? Is this really plan “A?” Taking that first step into the Jordan is a huge faith leap but so is walking through it.
A Journey of Faith – Shoes In
Do you ever want a plan “B” or even “C, D, or F…” if plan “A” doesn’t work? I know I do, but of late God has been speaking to me about not having backup plans, saying trust in plan “A.”
A Journey of Faith – Preparing Your Shoes – Journey Deeper
This past weekend I met with a group of men in the beautiful mountains of Colorado, to “prepare our shoes” for a journey of faith. Just like Joshua called the people to “consecrate” themselves before taking the step into the Jordan River and into the miraculous promises of God, we took some time to take a time out, and make our hearts ready for what God has next for us.
A Journey of Faith – Preparing Your Shoes
A few weeks ago a pastor shared with me that “God had put him in a time out.” He went on to share about a difficult season he was coming through, one where God was working in his heart in order to prepare him for a new season.
A Journey of Faith – Promising Shoes – Journey Deeper
I have heard from so many of you who are being pulled by God into a new adventure of faith. God is opening up new opportunities to trust Him and follow Him into the destiny you were created for. But as you read in Tuesday’s blog there is this attribute called “fear,” and fear can quickly cause you to freeze and keep you from moving forward.